Do We Really Another Blogger?

The bulk of those who have long-since moved away from reading or writing blogs, would probably answer“no.” Why then, am I starting a blog?

Here is the list of my most honest answers:

1. Somebody who’s willing to take the risk needs to speak up about the way 50+ years are being treated.
2. Somebody needs to be brutally honest about the changes in social dynamics and the new norms that are being implemented.
3. At the risk of being labeled a Karen, someone needs to speak up and say what is and is not considered horse shit behavior by middle-aged white women. Not everyone white, middle-aged woman is a Karen. Disagreeing with the new norms established by the younger generations should not be a reason for social and cultural cancellation.

I can and will promise brutal honesty. I’m walking on eggshells around young people and I’ve decided I won’t anymore. I need a place where I can explain my reasoning. I don’t expect much agreement from those younger, but I still need to do this. I’m doing this for me.

Brutal honesty by older women or men—especially if we’re white—more often than not, is considered a non-starter. We’re silenced, muzzled, and told, “Okay, Boomer.” I’m officially rejecting this sentiment. Why can’t I be MY true, authentic self?

So, I am. That means, I’m finally going to speak my mind. I know this will piss off man, and someone will come up with the equivalent of the word TERF to explain my horrid behavior.

Bring it. It’s time for me to speak up without being shushed. This is going to hurt for some; honesty usually does.

That’s why we need another blog. That’s why I’m writing about difficult and complicated issues. We need to talk.

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