Overwhelmed and Underwhelmed

Perhaps it’s the newfound freedom to care less (if at all) about subjects, people, and activities. Aging does have its perks: I’m thoroughly enjoying saying “no” and I’m making better use of my time at home.

At times I am overwhelmed with the amount of work I want to do. Read this, write that, record this, take photos. I often quote Nora Ephron’s mother who told her, “Everything is copy.” While I don’t agree everything needs to be shared, good stories are made of good material (copy) and that I have.

Copy comes to me. My radar picks up the smallest conversation in the supermarket, the new color scheme for a product, a scent in a store. Social media is full of stories not worth repeating. And yet.

And yet, as I scroll, I find the gems. Horribly naïve, cute, powerful, insight, new words and ideas, and genuinely bad shit—it’s all there.

Here is where I start to become confused. Some new ideas and words are fascinating enough that I dig deeper. I hunker down. I find more copy.

Typically, I end up finding an author whose book explains the concept better than a social media post. I start reading. I have been more underwhelmed than overwhelmed by the new books I’ve read. Is it me? Am I a book snob?

My go-to reaction is to enjoy the first chapter, and gradually find no reason to continue reading. I am known as someone who doesn’t like surprises. I am that person who reads the last several pages of the book before I dive in; no more last-minute deaths of a favorite character than leaves me angry for having read such a book. That said, the trigger warnings that come with books these days aren’t what I need. With age, I no longer have the desire to cater to every whim, every emotional response. No one told me when I read To Kill a Mockingbird that it would be intense. “Back in our day” we just read books. Classics. Fiction, and non-fiction. No one warned us we might be offended.

Underwhelmed by what I’m reading (recently) and overwhelmed that every encounter feels copy-worthy. My problem. I know. Just thought you might be interested.

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