The Man Who Held Up The Queue

It may seem like no big deal. We’re all waiting to board the flight and the queue is long. The queue is always long when boarding an airplane. This is nothing new.
Except today it is. The queue is not only long, it’s not moving. Why boarding a flight is so difficult for us humans, I’ll ever understand. Still, patience (which I severely lack) is required. We all stand in our spots, waiting for the queue to move onto the flight.
It doesn’t. Necks (including mine) start to


I am oddly calm. This deserves mention because normally, I and everyone else I know would not use the word “calm” to describe me. What’s up? No idea. But, I like it. I really like it. To make this new development even more interesting is that my anger, no rage, has disappeared. I’ll rephrase. Rage is no longer my driving emotion.
What the hell happened? Seriously? I wish I knew. As I can’t figure it out, I’m just rolling with it. Whatever this is, it’s

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