Sit Down and Shutup
To date, I’ve been kicked out of three Facebook groups. All three are groups run by younger women; Millennials and Gen Z. My presence wasn’t welcome in all three cases because I asked a question. A good question. Nothing confrontational or preachy. Just a question.
I was told my question was racist (it’s not), I was told women my age had their chance and now it’s time for the younger generations of women to speak up and act. Once I challenged an assumption. Oh, she did NOT like that. I stood my ground. I said I felt muzzled, silenced. She said “good” and next thing I know I was blocked.
Here’s the thing. I’m 57. There’s shit we can see when we’re older that we couldn’t and didn’t when we were younger. Like what? How our children’s ideas are good but still have holes in them. How caring for aging and dying parents prepares US for our physical or cognitive demise. Life is precious now in a way it wasn’t before.
Menopause brings clarity in ways younger women simply can’t relate or imagine. We’re happy for you that y’all have found your voice. The way you’re using it? All we hear is emotions and a screaming. It’s exhausting. Frankly, it’s a turn off. I’m not going to listen to rants. You’re pissed off? Good.
You want to be heard? Do YOU listen to people who scream at you and call you racist and challenge every good idea that wasn’t yours? Do you actually read the feedback? Or, is your skin so thin that anything that smacks of criticism? Are y’all really that collectively emotional? Can we not have a conversation where we actually try to hear each other? Is it possible that you’re wrong?
Someday you will get an AARP (organization for retired people) flier in the mail and you’ll balk. There’s a lot more of that coming your way. I didn’t think about menopause when I was in my 20s and 30s. Y’all, babes, you have no idea what you’re in for.
I’ve stopped joining groups run by young women. I’m okay with that. At least for now.
Y’all aren’t much fun to be around, complain more than produce, and seem to get a kick out of your newfound power that no one gave you. I hear the line, “respect is earned” so many times you try to muzzle me, and I guess it doesn’t occur to you that you need to earn that respect, too. Screaming at us when we offer a different viewpoint does not constitute respect. Babes, please. Think before you speak. Not all old women are Karens. Someday you’ll reach our age and be shocked at the gall of people younger than you. Trust me. It’s no fun.