Older Women

I write this listening to AARP’s presentation of Luka Šulić’s concert of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons. Incredible cellist. I mention this because I am a member of AARP. I’m not retired yet because: 1). I can’t financially, 2). I can’t for my own good. I will “retire” when I am too sick to work.
The first time one of my friends received a letter from AARP was over

Sit Down and Shut Up

To date, I’ve been kicked out of three Facebook groups. All three are groups run by younger women; Millennials and Gen Z. My presence wasn’t welcome in all three cases because I asked a question. A good question. Nothing confrontational or preachy. Just a question.
I was told my question was racist (it’s not), I was told women my age had their chance and now it’s time for the younger generations of women to speak up and act.

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