Racing Thoughts: Pissed Off

Not the “pissed off” as in “piss off” and not “pissed” in that I’m not drunk. I’m royally angry. I’ve been angry for quite some time. I’m trying to learn how to live with. It’s not going necessarily well.
Here’s what I’ve learned about my anger: 1). I’m getting sick of not saying how I feel; 2). I don’t know how to express anger; 3). I’m still working through how to shut down the voice that says, “Anger is bad, and you should

Sometimes I Spew (Here)

I feel the anger usually in my gut. It becomes a stiff, solid piece of clay which I could mold into different shapes, but I can’t maneuver it out of me. Other days, I just can’t be bothered with my anger. You exhaust me, sweetie. Not today. Go away.
Perhaps I am the one most disappointed by my pessimism. I always (yes, emphasis is needed) imagine the most

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