The assumption is these three words would be I love you. I agree those three said together hold power. To be loved is a gift. I know I am loved and I don’t take that for granted. My husband tells me every day.

The three words recently said to me were, “We got you.”

I am entering a period where experiences will be new. Telling myself I know what to expect, I find comfort as I am desperate to not go through what I went through a year ago. My father collapsed a year ago. He died in early October. September 7th onward 2023 was a nightmare. The first six months of 2024 weren’t easy. Unaccustomed to grief, I had no idea what to do. I didn’t know how to grieve, and new reality thew me into a swirl spiraling downwards a sinkhole. I panicked. I complained.

Venting to friends and strangers, anyone who would listen, one woman wrote these three words to me: We Got You.

We got you. I got you. To know this is a comfort unlike any other. Although I’m loved, fiercely and tenderly, someone having my back is a new concept. Let’s say this more often, please. Maya Angelou said, “I’ve got my own back” and I have taken this to heart. I can do it by myself. Not accustomed to asking for help, when I finally did and heard these three words back to me my sorrow melted into a puddle. My body is on high alert and my mind needs fuel. These words were my epi pen. My injection of adrenaline so desperately needed.

And now I find kids are saying it, too.

This is worth watching.

Sometimes, we need a reminder. I love you. Yes. Say it.

I got you? We got you? Please. Yes. Let’s say these words as well.

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