I am oddly calm. This deserves mention because normally, I and everyone else I know would not use the word “calm” to describe me. What’s up? No idea. But, I like it. I really like it. To make this new development even more interesting is that my anger, no rage, has disappeared. I’ll rephrase. Rage is no longer my driving emotion.

What the hell happened? Seriously? I wish I knew. As I can’t figure it out, I’m just rolling with it. Whatever this is, it’s opening new categories of action. I am now cunning. In the past, perhaps I had the ability to be cunning, but I couldn’t be bothered. I now bathe in it. The most sensational ideas come from being cunning, and combined with my new calm, I am a new woman.

It seems I’m not the only woman going through a metamorphosis. I do love morphing. I’m aware I’ve not morphed in years. This new development—lacking burning rage and taking on cunning—it’s fun. That other women are embracing it is a bonus. A big one.

Case in point.

A recent story I read (somewhere), told so well, was about a woman being catcalled by some construction worker on a roof. The usual. (You honestly think that’s going to work? That we’ll drop our pants and say, “Oh, baby. You’re the one I’ve been looking for”?) The bullshit he spewed angered the woman. Normally, she’d ignore this behavior, but today she decided to push back. Not being someone who ever engaged with such assholes, he kept ratcheting up the bullshit. Verbally, she was losing.

Then she saw it. A ladder. He was on the roof by himself. She took the ladder and laid it on the ground.

Good luck getting down, asshole.

THAT is cunning, and I love it.

I’m told someone else read the story and did the same thing. A group of women were walking, asshole on the roof catcalls, they see the ladder, and they run away with it. Yes, this is funny. Yes, he deserves it. I will do this the next time I’m catcalled. And, yes, I still get catcalled. I’m almost 60 but I must look fuckable.

Karma. If we’re bitches, then we also embrace karma. Now, we’re just actively using it. With ladders. This is just the beginning, fellas.

Karma and bitches. Yup. I’m all in.

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